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About Us

About Black Belt Tape.jpgWe are a group of avid grapplers who struggled with the constant tugging and gripping that put enormous strain on our finger joints.

We searched high and low for the ideal solution but the finger tapes we found were either too expensive or slipped out easily during trainings.

And so we thought- there had to be a better way.

After thorough research and testings conducted, we came up with a perfect finger tape that not only can withstand a vigorous training session, but also doesn’t burn a hole in your pocket!

Ultimately, we want to achieve these THREE things with you through our finger tape.  We want to protect your fingers, enhance your grip strength and support your finger joints throughout your rolls!

So, what are you waiting for?

Don’t take our word for it.

You’ve got to grapple in it to believe it!

BJJ is a journey. And we want to be with you, every step of the way.

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