Cheapest Finger Tape in Town? Is that how I want people to think of Black Belt Tape? If you read my previous article, I was talking about how it started as a need for me to use during trainings & competitions however not sustainable as existing tape was too expensive. To be honest, running an e-commerce store can be pretty costly with monthly fees to pay to the existing e-commerce platform & marketing fees may cause another huge chunk to the cost. Not forgetting the existing cost to purchase the product & to import it to Malaysia.
But why is it still cheaper than other existing brands out there? Black Belt Tape is a business that involves my passion & love for the sport. As we all know, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is an expensive sport. To compete, most athletes bare their own transportation, registration fee & accommodation. I know some really good BJJ practitioners that have the passion to compete but couldn't afford to pay for the competition cost. It is sad to see it but if could lower down the price, are those athletes able to save some money while being able to protect their fingers too? Or if Black Belt Tape is able to generate huge amount of sales, can the profit be used to sponsor some of these deserving athletes? These reasons is why I wanted to find sell it at an affordable price. To make it affordable to everyone.
It is easier to said than done. As a start, Black Belt Tape is offering 15% discount once you register & subscribe to Black Belt Tape mailing list. That is 15% for your first initial purchases. Aside from that, we will be launching program affiliation with BJJ athletes where they can get certain percentage of their sales via their referral code. The athletes referral code can be used unlimited times which means that you can get additional 10% discount for every purchase. With a spending of RM80, Black Belt Tape will be offering RM5 Store Credit on your next purchase. Imagine how much you can save by purchasing Black Belt Tape.
Currently Black Belt Tape is running on a small batch of order. We are looking to purchase bigger batches of order in the future & if we are able to do it, we are able to get the tapes at lower price. If we are able to get it at lower cost, we will look into reducing the selling price and providing higher store credit on your future purchase. Another option that I am looking at in the future is sourcing cheaper option for international shipping. International shipping can be pricey depending on your country location. It may take time for this to happen but it is part of my goal to ensure Black Belt Tape customers are able to get their finger tapes at an affordable or cheaper price.
With all that said, Black Belt Tape has a long journey ahead & it is just the beginning. Athletes sponsorship will definitely be part of the future plans to give back to BJJ community. I hope you guys can support our journey & do give us feedback on the product quality so we can further improve on it.